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Writer's pictureKevin McCarthy

What of us stays? What carries on?

I'm a huge history and archaeology fan. Maybe its that Cross of the Sphinx shining through - hard to say! I had a thought today that many people approach Astrology and Human Design in a way that is very static and unchanging. It's easy to think that this is it - all that there is - and we will always be like this. We look at regions and countries and somehow get this notion that it was always like this. Sure, times and people change, but the culture, lifestyle and beliefs have been the same and just grown and integrated into an area over time. They've always eaten this particular food or traded with the same neighbors. It's a form of fatalism to think we are what we are and that is that, because the dynamic of life and existence is far from such a thing!

One very frustrating (but eye opening) aspect I have learned in my historical studies is that people MOVE, so very much! For the most part (aside from a few enclaves like the Basque people) people are constantly migrating, moving, finding greener pastures, running from marauders or disaster - they merge, mingle, combine, diverge all throughout time. Languages mutate, disappear, spread across the world. I feel the same can be said for our multiple lives and singular personality/soul. For our alignments, charts and stellar connections. The moment that there are borders and ownership that prevent this mutation of life, it will find a new way to grow and change that many won't be prepared for, because we've been built up to this point already. It'll be more mental and spiritual, I think.

Now, bear with me, because some of the things I will say depend on certain understanding or consideration that involves us living many physical lives with a growing, changing soul. Many often call the soul eternal or infinite, but I think even that is a form of fatalistic viewing - if it never goes away or "dies" as it were, what is the point of our experiential journey through multiple 3D/physical lives? Our spirit has a state, a health, is not as immortal as we think it is. That is why it is imperative for us to understand that we grow and evolve - we are meant to move on and grow from what we see as our blueprint of alignment. To nurture what allows it and to create otherwise, and to change/evolve. Just like conditioning, this is meant to be a very temporary state and life.

All that being said, here are two things I want to ask/bring up - semi-rhetorically, but please everyone is welcome to chime in and share, add or correct as they see fit.

How about the concept of our souls existing similarly to our physical existence on this plane, but in another dimension? How about the concept of our birth alignments being a waypoint, and not an unchanging blueprint : affected and created by our past physical lives and responsible for the transition into the next? Some here have explored the concept of Evolutionary Astrology - I am interested in seeing how this can be applied or understood mutually with Human Design. I don't want to re-write the book of HD, merely tweak and add a new dynamic to our understanding and perspective. Now is the moment that matters most, but how is it guided by the past and future, without us losing our place in the book of life? All in its own time.

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