Our expectations can be like an unofficial Stock Market of life. You can avoid loss by never investing, but you can also help foster something great if you invest in the right things. It may take some trial and error. It may require some guidance, both within and outside. Investing in yourself is usually a safe bet, but not the only one. It's a great place to start. There is no one right way for anyone - we are all unique and thrive differently.
How do you invest in yourself?
It is about your dreams and your passion or motivation. First and foremost, make sure they are yours. Many of us spend so much of our value and energy on trying to appease others or make up for something we feel was missing from our childhood. We hope that if we do this or that for someone else, they'll recognize or invest in-kind but it rarely ever works like that, naturally.
Where are the seeds of your life?
Where can you plant them?
What do they need to grow?
Timing can be important - do you have the time and patience to see it through? You do.